My intern friend, Melanie, and I have been put in charge of modernizing, consolidating, and regularly updating Pigeon Key's social media presence! You can like our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter for the most up to date information on day to day activities on the island, and to get a better glimpse at what I'm doing on a regular basis.
I really like this because it gives me more excuses to hang out in the only building with WiFi and rock out to country music in my headphones...did I mention that nobody else on this whole island likes country??
I found a friend in the brush pile on Burn Day!
A 3 foot corn snake, whom I named Penelope. |
The past couple of weeks have been mostly manual labor. We burned a huge pile of brush and other debris that has been accumulating on the island since July...and then the next day, after planting new shrubberies and baby palms around the island, dug up all the ash from the fire pit and spread it around as fertilizer. Then the next day my boss decided he wanted the fire pit moved...3 whole feet. The day after that we had to uproot and move some plants...3 whole feet. In the next week we had to clear out all the misc junk from underneath one building and move it underneath another building...yep you guessed it! 3 whole feet away. I'm beginning to think that they're just running out of ways to keep us busy from 9-5...
Luckily groups are starting to trickle in! We had two facility rental groups and, for my favorite day so far, a couple troops of Girl Scouts from the south Miami. It was chilly (for the Keys), but the girls were so excited about everything the island had to offer. From chasing Buddy around, to going hip deep in the water for tide pooling, to the hotdogs we had for lunch they were pumped to be there. Those Girl Scouts were a great reminder of why I got myself into this!
Allison sipping some St. Patty's
beverage from my boss's...hat. |
But its not hard work all the time! Our bosses make sure that there's plenty of time for us to enjoy the Keys' lifestyle (which, from my understanding, means that you spend more on your liquor store bill than your grocery bill...I have yet to accomplish this). From island croquet, to coconut bocce, to celebrating St. Patty's, these people know how to enjoy their libations! For fun we also frequent Kmart, Publix, go snorkeling to chase tropical fish lobster hunting with our boss, and last weekend took a road trip to Key Largo to feed tarpon (fast forward in the clip a little bit) and see what the northernmost key had to offer.
That tarpon snatched a fish right out of
my hand! |
Yesterday I made
scotcharoos for my coworkers...can you believe none of these people had ever even heard of this magical dessert before?! I'm adding them to my ever-growing list of things that I'm discovering are strictly Minnesotan...pop, Biffys, the pronunciation of bagels, and now scotcharoos. My coworkers were skeptical (how anyone can be skeptical of a chocolate/butterscotch/peanut butter combo, I'll
never understand), but considering that there is less than half a pan left this morning, I feel like I've created a new group of believers.
This week we’re busy preparing for the ribbon cutting ceremony
for our new solar power system on Friday. The system has been in place for
about two months, and since everything seems to be going according to plan (we
run on solar energy for about 22 hours per day) we’re showing it off to the
public. And by public, I mean all the big wigs from our foundation’s board, the
chamber of commerce, etc. This will be the first time that so many big names
(and deep pockets) have all been on the island at the same time in about a decade,
so my bosses are pretty nervous. I’m estimating that we’ll be asked to move s
pile of something 3ft about 5 times per day this week…and let’s be real, there
are only so many feet on the island. I can more or less guarantee that everything will
end up right back where it started.
Because that’s how we do on PK.
What happened to the snake? Are there other snakes on your tiny island?
ReplyDeleteKeep writing. I love it and can't wait to read the next one.