Thursday, November 24, 2011

Internationally Thankful

I borrowed this idea from one of the girls on my program, who decided to put a blog-spin on the 30 days of thankful trend on facebook. It's pretty simple, because there are 30 days in November, I decided to make my own list of 30 things that I'm thankful for.  The are in no particular order and most of them are about Costa Rica.  I know if you are reading this blog, I'm thankful for you! Wishing you peace and love on this holiday!

  1. All of my family at home for your international love.
  2. Costa Rica, for teaching me more about myself than I ever wanted to know
  3. Laura, for always putting goodbyes into perspective--it's never for real, just a "see you later"
  4. Carissa, for being a role model, a best friend, AND a sister all in one. Peremptory thanks for the stats help next semester ;) 
  5. My parents at home for supporting me in all my adventure, and for always including my furry friends in our skypes
  6. Skype, and other technology that allows me to stay in contact with America and all the people there that I love
  7. Los Aguilar, for welcoming me into their home and making me feel like a part of the family.
  8. Annie, Jessie, Katie, Lauren, and Andrea--for knowing me better than I know myself sometimes.
  9. Your guys' parents, for encouraging all our endeavors, and for having 5 houses where I always feel at home
  10. For Animal Science 101, Livestock Production. Without you, I would never have met Elle Lynch.
  11. My roommates here for thinking poop stories are just as funny as I do.
  12. Fieds and Craze, for being the best first roommates a girl could ask for. 
  13. The regent boys (do you guys have a new name yet?), for always knowing how to make me laugh, having beds to sleep in, and being an outlet for the products of my stress baking.
  14. The staff here for being equal parts teachers and friends
  15. Carlos, for being the most patient Spanish instructor I've ever met
  16. Digital cameras, for allowing me to pretend to be a good photographer.
  17. For mothers that send you new cameras when mermaid-ing proves to be too much for them.
  18. Blankets, for their versatility--they're good for snuggling, sleeping, wearing...
  19. For the knowledge that any hunger I ever experience is temporary
  20. Wisconsin beer and cheese--you are going to be oh, so delicious when I return
  21. My grandma's chocolate chip cookies, and for the lady that bakes you. I never realized how much I love both of you until I was 2,500 miles away from you
  22. The simple joy in a mug of ice cream
  23. Learning to enjoy drinking my coffee black--there's something slightly badass about answering "Black, please" when someone asks, "how do you like your coffee?"
  24. Eco-friendly sweatpants
  25. Harry Potter
  26. Not being afraid of heights--dreams are so much better on the top bunk!
  27. Sunsets
  28. Wool Socks
  29. The cooks here at the station, for being so good at their jobs that every meal is like Thanksgiving
    • a) for undertaking the cooking of 90 lbs of turkey so that we gringos can have a "real American Thanksgiving"
  30. The 22 people on this program who bring the party wherever we go

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